Sunday, March 28, 2010

Autumn Leaves

You know a man by what he does, not what he says.

And America is finally getting to know Obama. When a citizen can affect change through a FaceBook posting while the President of the United States is running around the country, surrounded by adoring media, and supported by oganizations like unions and ACORN, it throws a glaring spotlight on just how ineffective Barack Obama has become. And he got here by making promises to the American people that he did not keep. He lied.

Getting back on track requires first and foremost the rebuilding of trust with the American people and Obama can do that by doing what he promised us he would do during the campaign. But I think it unlikley since Obama is not his own man and never has been. In this regard he can certainly learn something from Sarah Palin. For now Obama is simply a figurehead, blown like the leaves of autumn, and may soon find himself covered in drifts from which he will never be able to extricate himself .